A space where fresh flowers, Deep-rooted Tree magazine, Native Joseon, and Native American cultures all blend together. A space where vintage, thrift, expensive clothes, and affordable clothes coexist. A place that rejects the arrogance of vintage and the insecurity of thrift.
Fashion and culture are great, but above all, what matters most is making a living for all of us. It's not about becoming rich—I’m just curious about how far the bowl of the watermelon can stretch.
After busying myself with events through August and September, sitting at my desk in the shop now brings me a sense of calm, both in body and mind. This is why I love coming to work even on my days off.
The flowers Theo arranged were truly works of art. The yellows, oranges, and the greenish browns reminded me of the end of summer. I wonder what kind of month September will be for Soobaak. With hopeful anticipation, I hang the autumn clothes on the racks.